Theatre Review: MARVELous The Show
MARVELous The Show
Creator/Producer/Director Samwise Holmes
Choreographer Emma Wong
Photo credit Ben Dingley
Riverside Parramatta
Reviewed by Ron Lee, CSP, MAICD

MARVELous The Show is a loving parody of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has been created with a great deal of affection.
Genders have been turned around with Iron Woman (Lulani Rawson), Lady Thor (Sarah Jane Kelly), and a female Winter Soldier (Kaylee Kingi). Female Loki is played by Andrea Zappacosta, a hugely talented triple threat who has riveting stage presence and a magnificent set of pipes. Couldn't take my eyes off her. Black Widow is played by the mesmeric Megan Wonfor whose series of cartwheels without using her arms is eye-catching. As Pony Tony, Emma Wong has the additional job of choreographer, and there is plenty of choreo.
This doesn't mean that the male characters are down-played, with Captain America (Michael Boyle), Spider Man (Jacob McPherson) and Doctor Strange (Andrew Walden) being powerfully represented. There’s also a Fat Thor (Thomas Remaili) The show's creator/producer/director, Samwise Holmes, plays Deadpool who serves as the narrator.

All of the performers are exceptional dancers and some have impressive circus skills. On opening night their aerial work elicited gasps.
The songs performed live are former hits such as What About Me? and What a Feeling and other songs like The Man With America's Ass. There are also nods to Flashdance, Hamilton, Magic Mike and other productions.
You might want to give the show a miss if male and female bare bottoms offend you because there’s a lot of it. The guys are given many shirt-off scenes and there’s only one female shirt-off moment but it’s worth it.
MARVELous The Show is truly enjoyable and there is something for everyone. If you fancy burlesque, stand-up comedy, dance, music, acrobatics, circus and in-jokes that Marvel aficionados will appreciate, then this show is for you, and I’m reliably told that magic and illusion will soon me added.