Petflair: A Dream Come True for Pet Lovers

If you’ve ever dreamed of taking your pet to the beach or pool, now you can.
In collaboration with Pound Paws, a nonprofit organisation which finds loving homes for animals on death row, Petflair have created a range of new products including towels, bags, and even swimwear featuring an image of your special pet.

You simply upload a photo of your pet, with the option to choose colours and background patterns, and they will create a one-of-a-kind design.
A quarter of the proceeds will go to Pound Paws, with the hopes to raise more awareness to encourage people to adopt and not shop.

Founder of Pound Paws, Brittany Bloomer said the product reflects the companionship between owners and pets.
“It sees the connection between owners and pets, their companionship, and celebrates this.”
Ms. Bloomer adds that as well as being a great incentive to share with family and friends, it is a great opportunity for Pound Paws to reach people in an exciting way.

A Kickstarter campaign for the company only began a few days ago, but they have already reached over half of their fundraising goal.
If you are interested in pledging some money, with the option of rewards for your donation then click here.