How To Win On The Melbourne Cup…in August

Yes…it is possible to have a win on the Melbourne Cup in August. …and I am delighted to share the ‘how to’ with Deb Carr and subscribers of Sydney Chic.
In Australia there’s something about being able to say “I backed the winner of the Melbourne Cup.” It’s like a badge of honour that brings great pride…even if for only a short time. My Mother-in-law used to have a dollar each way on every horse in the Melbourne Cup…just to be able to say she backed the winner of the Cup!
I remember wondering how many Australians were wasting money every year because they have absolutely no idea about how to bet or gamble cleverly? So I decided to jump on my ‘big white horse’ and come to the aid of my mother-in-law and her cohorts.
But first, to give credibility to this article, may I tell a little about my history.
My name is Max Hitchins. The media call me Melbourne Cup Max. My Father, Ernie Hitchins, was a bookmaker is the North Western NSW town of Moree. He taught me a lot about gambling. Yet I don't regard myself a gambler. Neither did my Dad regard himself as a gambler.
I remember working for Dad at a Moree Picnic race meeting. A wheat grower friend of Dad’s was at the races and he came up to the Bookies stand to say “Hello” to my father. I remember Dad saying to him “Are you going to have a bet in this race, Bill?” And Bill replied “Ernie…you know I don’t gamble.”
As Bill walked away, to enjoy the social aspects of the day, Dad turned to me and said “You know son, Bill will soon be planting 2000 acres of wheat. And for the next six months he will be either hoping it rains to help the wheat grow…or hoping it doesn't rain so as they will get premium wheat providing it doesn’t rain at the wrong time. Bill is a much bigger gambler than I am ever likely to be!”
Back to the Cup. I am really only interested in one horse race every year….and that’s the Melbourne Cup. Each year, on the day after the Melbourne Cup, my research begins for the following year.
My focus is on following and assessing all the horses that run in a series of Melbourne Cup ‘lead up’ races all around the world. I spend around three hundred hours a year doing this.
In 1988 I developed a system to ‘reduce’ the number of potential winners in the field from 24 down to six. My suggestion then, to anyone to anyone who would listen, was to have $2 each way on the six of these horses you should be able to say “I backed the winner of the Melbourne Cup. QED!”
Proudly I relate, as you will read on my web site, my system has now been successful for twenty five out of the last twenty nine years. Once I narrow my prospects down to six I then choose my #1 pick. I have been correct with this choice for fifteen out of the last twenty nine years. In 2016, I picked the Quinella - Almandin and Heartbreak City.
“Will you get rich quick using this system?” you ask. “No” is the answer. Is it a gamble? Yes, of course it is. Should you put your house on the system. Absolutely not!
Dad used to say “When most people go to the races it’s off goes their head and on goes a pumpkin!” In these series of articles leading up to Melbourne Cup I’d like to show you how to do it more intelligently. Firstly, I invite you to go to and download Max’s system. (It’s free).

Secondly, you might want to consider ‘taking the risk’ of having a small bet in the ‘Futures’ Melbourne Cup markets. My recommendation is you miss out on one or two cups of coffee this week and ‘take the gamble’ with this money.
At this moment I think Polarisation is worth a small gamble. In the current Futures market I note it is quoted between $26 and $31 to win the Cup. This year, Polarisation won the Sydney Cup…not once but twice. The first race, on the 8th of April, was called off half way through because of a fall in the race. Only half the jockeys realised the race had been called off. The other half finished the race. Polarisation was one of these horses and he ‘won’ the race. ..only to have it taken from him and learn the race would be run again on the 22nd of April. Polarisation won this race too.
The last horse to demonstrate such an incredible feat of stamina was named Phar Lap! In fourteen days, in November 1930, Phar Lap won five races, each of a different distance, totalling 11,100 metres. WOW!
Winning the Sydney Cup meant Polarisation automatically qualified for the Melbourne Cup. (Tick one box.) We know he can run over the Melbourne Cup distance of 3200 metres. (Tick another box.) He will probably be ridden by the same jockey - Corey Brown. (Tick another box.)
Providing ‘nothing bad’ happens to Polarisation between now and the 7th of November I would expect him to be quoted around $12.00 to $15.00 on Cup Day. Hence, it is possible to have a bet today at $31 dollars and then ‘lay it off’ on Cup Day at $15.00. You would have Polarisation running for you in the Melbourne Cup for no outlay. That’s clever betting…clever gambling.
If you are not quite sure about this ‘laying off process’ process I invite you to for a more detailed explanation with examples.

MelbourneCupMax holding the Cups won by Fiiorente in 2013 and Brew in 2000