My Water Bubs: Stylish Float Suits for Babies and Toddlers

I recently met up with the designer of My Water Bubs, Leanna Katsikaris, who was inspired to create stylish float suits for babies and toddlers when she realised she couldn't find anything like it here in Australia. The float suits are made to help small children and babies gain confidence in the water by providing freedom of movement and floatation, as well as protection of delicate skin with UPF 50+. These cute float suits come in a range of fun fabrics that Leanna sources.
The suits come with removal floatation pads. As the child's confidence in the water grows, simply remove half or one panel to meet their new learnt skill. The pads should be removed when the child is not in the water.

Now let's make something very clear here, these suits are not designed to let toddlers play in the pool by themselves. They must be supervised at all times. In my digital marketing business, I've worked with one of my client's for over 4 years and he is an advocate for swimming pool barrier safety. Howard Ryan, who is the Managing Director of Housesafe Training and Education, has taught me a lot on swimming pool safety for children, and I've read too many horror stories on accidents that could have been prevented. It may surprise you that an unacceptable number of Sydney backyard pools are failing inspection tests.
My Water Bubs can't be purchased until a disclaimer is read ensuring that parents and supervisors of children understand that these suits are made to help children gain confidence in the water, and they must be supervised at all times.The suits are only $45 a great investment to get your child water used to the water and on their way to learn to swim.