When I first decided to create this blog I had no idea how quickly it would grow, and I am truly grateful for the people who read my posts, who have supported me and have helped me grow it. You can read more about me and how I started Sydney Chic CLICK HERE
I started Sydney Chic in 2013, and it did not take long before I was receiving products to review, restaurant invitations and events to attend. I truly was in awe of the attention and it was to be the beginning of an amazing experience in my life. Especially in my 50's.
I want to point out that each time I review a brand or attend an event, it takes time out of my own work as a social media marketer and, as you can appreciate, publishing a blog like Sydney Chic takes a lot of effort. I do all the web work and marketing myself.
Authenticity is one of my highest values so hence this disclaimer.
Sometimes I get paid to post (collaboration); there are a few affiliate links on this site (If you click on these links and choose to purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you) - to be honest, not many.
Often I get sent products to review and keep. Most of them I give to others, yes, I don't keep the majority. I review them and them and then share the love.
I am regularly a VIP guest at events but since my Sea Change, I send my younger contributors.
I am often a guest at a hotel or restaurant review. Restaurant reviews take me hours of work by the way.
As a Brand Ambassador, I receive complimentary goods, services, and loan outfits.
I only ever post about things that align with my brand and my values -- so anything on this blog I post about is because I like it, or my contributors like it. The majority of posts are not compensated and this blog is a result of passion, dedication and a lot of hard work and time. This blog takes up half my working life, so of course, I need to be compensated somehow. If I'm compensated it's disclaimed. However take into account I knock back many, yes, many offers because it doesn't fit the Sydney Chic Brand.
My rule for Sydney Chic, is to only promote what I like, not what I don't like. I have had occasions where I have not enjoyed a meal or a product so I prefer NOT to write about it rather than be a critic; because I am not a critic, I am a lover of life and all the good things that go with it. Also when I attend a restaurant invitation it is not as a food critic, I just go to write about the experience. I leave the critiquing to the professional foodies.
So there you have it up front. Total transparency - if I like it and approve it's on Sydney Chic, if I dont..sorry I won't post anything that isn't 'fabulous'....#fabulous...I love that word.
For brands and PR companies who wish to collaborate with me please do get in touch deb@debcarr.com
I'd also like to point out, I'm very approachable, and open to PR companies and anyone who has an idea for Sydney Chic, however just because I'm friendly doesn't mean I'm going to write about your pitch. Please note products received or events attended does not guarantee coverage on Sydney Chic.
Please note paid or gifted products will not have a 'follow' link. Read more about Google Best Practice for blogs.
Finally, I knock many paid posts from companies trying to convince me that their product is the perfect fit for my audience. If it's not a fit it doesn't get published paid or not.